Sunday 28 July 2013

The Magic of the skinny mirror. Check it out!!!

This mirror, that makes people look slimmer than they actually are, is supposed to be an alternative to cosmetic surgery...who wants one?

According to UK Daily Mail, entrepreneur Belinda Jasmine invented the mirror that makes people look almost a stone slimmer than they actually are, an invention that could be a girl's new best friend. 

The Skinny Mirror uses curved glass to trick users into appearing up to 10lbs lighter, delivering a welcome boost of self confidence.

The concave curve in the glass has been specially designed to flatter, promising to give users a spring in their step after they see their fine-tuned reflection.

Graphic designer Belinda claims her invention, which is priced at around £116, is a safe alternative to cosmetic surgery and cosmetics - and says her motto is 'you only look as good as you feel'.

The company describe themselves as 'a new company on a mission to increase people's confidence and self-image with an every day traditional furniture piece that gives you a "not-so-traditional" perspective.'After carrying out studies, the company found that our self-image is directly tied to our energy levels, feelings of competence and ‘perceived’ attractiveness. 

'Nothing is more gorgeous than the self-assurance that comes from feeling good in your own skin.

'The Skinny Mirror compliments you every time you look in it, boosting confidence and improving self-image before you walk out the door,' they say.
'It’s the same feeling you get when someone tells you, “You look nice today”. 
'Some customers claim with daily use of The Skinny Mirror, they have become less obsessed with losing weight and more focused on eating healthy and exercising, resulting in healthier and happier weight loss.'

As an avid surfer and health enthusiast, Belinda's was fed up with not feeling like she looked good in any of her outfits and believed she had a 'fat mirror'. 
Although she knew it was the mirror that made her look bigger, she still found herself believing that she was bigger then she actually was.

She puts this down to body dysmorphia - a common condition where a person does not see what they actually look like when they look in the mirror. 
She explains: 'I used The Skinny Mirror prototype for weeks before I committed to do start The Skinny Mirror company. 
'Over time, I felt how it affected my self-image. I stood up taller, felt sexier, and wanted to dress cuter. It was important for me to make this available to individuals so that they too might have an improved body-image
'The mirror has had plenty of attention online since it surfaced on the Kickstarter earlier this year, with some applauding it for giving women a confidence boost every day, but others saying it deceives women.'

As Belinda states in her company philosophy on the website: 'If we can give you a little extra confidence before you take the world on in the morning, we’ve done our job.'
Critics of The Skinny Mirror - which is hand crafted in the United States - have said that it is a deception of what you truly look like.

One blogger known as The Shrinking Geek, wrote: 'Is it lying or motivating? I think it is both and the harm or usefulness come in its use. 
'Stores that use these mirrors should be ashamed but for the average person, if you have a real truthful mirror and the Skinny Mirror, enjoy. 
'Personally, if I had the money, I might get one because I think this is a safe little lie we can tell ourselves. 
'So much of our day is filled with us hating ourselves in private that a secret mirror might be a the treat we need to keep going.

Source: Daily Mail

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